Landscaping is a great selling feature. A beautiful yard with trees and flowers may help you sell your home quicker, and get more for it. Since attractive landscaping can increase the value of your home, the money you spend on landscaping is really an investment. If it’s clear that you take care of your trees, prospective homebuyers will be more likely to assume that you’ve taken care of your house as well. A well-cared-for mature tree can add to the appraised value of your home, too.

What are some common fall tree services?
When you look around the yard, you might see some of the following:
- Trees that could use some pruning to restore balance
- Limbs that may be weakened due to insect damage or disease
- Limbs that hang over a structure such as your house or your neighbor’s
- Low lying branches that may affect pedestrian traffic near your home
Why are fall tree services required?
Weak and diseased limbs can easily become victims of winter storms and brisk wind. Larger limbs could cause injury or serious property damage during a dangerous storm. Think about cleaning your gutters, how many times do you want to clean them out as leaves fall? The best answer may be to prune and trim deciduous tree branches instead of cleaning up those leaves over and over as the season changes.
What else should I know about fall tree services?
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Is there a perfect spot for a hammock on your property?
- Would your kids or grandkids enjoy a tire swing?
- Is it time to clear out some older landscaping to make room for a new birch, a new red dogwood or some other new yard feature?
- Do your bushes or shrubs look like nature’s equivalent of a bad hair day?
Autumn is an excellent season for making changes if those questions get the ideas flowing.
Do I need a fall tree services expert for any of these ideas?
If you are handy with tools and know your way around the home and garden section, you might be able to do these things yourself. However, if you wish to avoid injury, save time and make sure that your dream yard becomes a reality, be sure to get in touch with a team of certified fall tree services professional this season!
By: Charles Montgomery, NW eSource